Precision Grazing – Meet the Farmer – Tom Burge – Journeys start at the cross roads

Precision Grazing – Meet the Farmer – Tom Burge – Journeys start at the cross roads

Tom Burge with his sheep on fresh grazing.

Standing 1400ft up on the hill watching 700 sheep run into new paddock, heads down grazing within minutes is an impressive sight.  Knowing that the whole move took less than 15 minutes, including fence down, sheep through, water trough moved, fence up meaning Tom can head home to have the rest of the day free to get on with other jobs is even more impressive!

After a dry summer seeing grass that had ‘looked like a desert’ only weeks before, being greened up with ewes putting on flushing condition is even better. Going from worrying about how to out-winter sheep without creating a muddy pit to a planned grazing system where sheep out-winter on differed grass and bales, whist lambing fields are rested ready for ewes in April is a great testament to the positive impact Tom has seen. 

Tom Burge, 4th generation farmer at Oaremead Farm on the Exmoor coast, had left the farm to become an engineer but the farm called him back. 6 months in New Zealand was spent seeing forage-based sheep systems and on his return Tom knew he faced a cross road, taking these new learnings, a new road was travelled. Tom took over the sheep enterprise, his parents main passion being the cattle, he was left to make his mark.  Introducing a NZ Highlander ram and Romney ewes into the system, to improve the genetics, increase lambing percentage from less but more productive ewes. 

I achieved this pretty quickly, within 3 to 4 years, I was producing more live lambs, more kilos of live weight but then I hit a point and couldn’t get above it.

Tom started to look at the quality of feed he was putting in front of the sheep, and he turned to fertiliser. A few years in, his fert rep, Sandy Campbell came to tell him he was joining a new company called Precision Grazing, and that there was another way to improve forage quality– paddock grazing.  Wanting to grow grass without fertiliser interested Tom, and he became one of Precision Grazing first customers.

Ewes paddock grazing, semi- permanent fence and Kiwitech posts, set up weekly.

Working together they set out to trial 150 acres on the big upland fields; the land was GPS mapped and marked out to 0.1ha, to make it easy to divide into 1ha paddocks. 3 wire permanent electric fencing, using Kiwitech Arrow Posts was erected down the middle of each field with a 25mm water pipe laid on the surface underneath the fence with quick release hydrants every 200m.   

I tend to run 1ha paddocks, it just makes it so much easier for myself.

Starting with a mob of 250 ewes and moving them every 2-3 days he soon saw the benefits of the new grass growth growing behind them.

I was convinced straight away and knew we had to get more land into the paddock grazing system.

Tom has kept to the 1ha paddocks but has increased the size of his mobs, post weaning he will run 700 ewes in a flock which are moved more frequently, leaving longer rest periods.

Ewes have put on condition after a hard dry summer, ready for flushing

Tom’s next challenge for James was to get the ewes out-wintered and move to outdoor lambing. Previously in the winter all the field gates would be opened, and the ewes given a free rein of the farm, resulting in a muddy pit, with ewes tracking through gateways to find grass.

I knew I wanted to lamb outdoors but there just wasn’t the grass for them in the spring.

Under this management there was no grass for outdoor lambing; instead there were the high costs of indoor lambing including labour and feeding cake.   Moving animals regularly through the paddocks has increased pasture growth with some of this carried forward as differed grass for winter.   Adding in some silage bales has meant that the lower farm fields were closed after they had been used for tupping, giving them a 4month rest before the ewes came back down to do a pre-lambing rotation before being set stocked in April.

When the ewes came down to lamb the grass behind them up on the hill was already recovering – thanks to the paddock system – I am convinced this is the way forward.

James gave Tom the confidence to move away from feeding 50+ ton of concentrate, knowing he had enough grass for ewes and lambs. This is massive cost saving to the farm along with the ‘hidden’ costs of labour, machinery and time saved.

We actually have less problems lambing outdoors, the lambs aren’t picking up bacteria and our losses have reduced. 

As well as the permanent electric fencing Tom started with just 2 x 300m 3 wire Kiwitech temporary fences, moving them leap frog style to create paddocks for the ewes.  This did make the job harder, as fencing had to be moved every couple of days, but it proved the system would work with minimal investment.  Tom soon bought more equipment and now has 14 x 300m 3 wire kits. One day a week is set aside to set up the next weeks fences, this is done with Josh, their stockman which means they both know the coming weeks moves, giving Tom the confidence to leave the farm knowing there is a plan in place.

Seeing the new grass shoots growing, improving the grass quality, achieving higher yields and seeing ‘new’ old grass species come back to these permanent leys has really opened Toms eyes.

We are seeing better water infiltration, we aren’t seeing the run-off the hills anymore, and if there is some, it will be caught by the paddock below, it’s no longer running down the road.

Better water infiltration, more earthworms and better soil biology all lead to the farm faring well over the extended dry spring and summer.  The grass recovered quickly after the first bit of rain, due to its rest, enabled by planned grazing and weaning early to get the ewes up onto the upland grazing so the lambs could have the best pasture.

There was no market for early store lambs, so I had to keep them and prioritise them until the market came back.  To achieve this we culled out the older cows and leaner ewes to reduce our feed demand.  This also protected ewe body condition and helped to ensure we have enough grass on farm for winter and a successful spring.

The rotations were slowed down, but whereas other farms were opening all the gates, Tom kept to the paddock grazing, making sure they didn’t go back to the same place too quickly.

The beauty of paddock grazing is the flexibility it offers, enabling you to adapt to the conditions, be they dry or wet, long swards or short swards.  Tom started with 21-day rest periods but now pushes them to 30-35-day rest periods depending on the paddock.

Some fields are just naturally slower to recover than others.

Toms knowledge of his land has grown since using this system, helped by James and Sandy to get the system in place and learning from them, Tom is keen to keep splitting the paddocks more and create more moves for the sheep.

Water has been key to the system and Tom, with his engineer hat on, has devised the systems, taking advantage of streams, springs and bore holes. Making his own solar panel water pump; moving water 100ft up hill, watered 40 cows and 250 ewes throughout the summer. Water is fed from source, to holding tanks, along blue pipe and into Kiwitech quick release hydrants and moveable troughs.

The savings are huge when you invest time and money into water, it allows you to concentrate on the animals and paddock rotations. When you finally stop using fertiliser it makes it worth it.

Once spreading 50 ton of fertiliser Tom has gradually reduced this amount to 0 tonnes thanks to the changes in grazing management. Removing the use of chemicals has helped improve the soil biology resulting in increased pasture growth. Tom has introduced little wins, grazing the sheep on the top of the hill in the day and moving them to steep fields at night, for them to drop their dung and build the organic matter on fields which is the past have seen soil depletion from soil run off in high rainfalls.

Knowing his costs is important and he uses a farm account management programme and spreadsheet for budgeting, inputting predicted and then actual costs throughout the year to show how much each lamb needs to make, identifying where savings can be made and guiding investment for that year.

I like to know what things are costing me and the time spent on the computer is invaluable. It also makes me thinks of new ways to do things to save money.

On the hill round hay bales are lined up, for the suckler cows to out-winter on. Still under the control of his father, Tom is keen to see them calve outside in the future, but in the meantime, he has them out-wintering until they are housed for calving in February. The hay will be rolled out to be eaten and trampled, to add organic matter and seed back into the soil.

When I first did it my neighbours thought I was crazy, but the most rewarding thing is now seeing them do it.

Bales have been positioned ready for winter grazing.

Taking everyone on the journey can be difficult, your vision is not everyone’s, and long-standing systems can be hard to change, as humans we fear the unknown.  However, Tom has worked out that by planting a seed in his parents’ mind, water and care for it, will see it eventually come to fruition.

It took a bit for my parents to get their head around the new sheep system, but now they love it.

As farmers it is too easy to fall into the trap of being too busy, a place that Tom knows well, however like Tom, you have to find a way to do it, not necessarily all by yourself but with help from James and his team. Learning from others and creating a flexible adapted system is what Precision Grazing bring with them, the knowledge and access to other people who are also facing the same challenges and great rewards as you. Creating a hub of people around you, maybe not geographically but via technology means you are not alone.  There are answers and reassurance at the end of the phone.

Tom is now at another cross road, he has seen the positive changes that paddock grazing has made to farm, better and more quality grass, improved soil biology and water infiltration, his brain has expanded and he wants more; organic, regenerative, getting the whole farm in the system. Putting hedges back, planting trees for shelter belts are all on the part of the future of Oaremead Farm.

Start small, but start, contact James come for a farm visit, but start and grow the system. Seeing that fresh growth within a few days is the lightbulb moment and it is addictive.

In the grand scheme of things this is a low-cost system, with big savings. Cutting back on fertiliser and feed and using the BPS to get this system in place is time and money well spent.

Having got through one of his toughest farming years, weather wise, Tom knows this is a system that works and is excited about where he can go next. A growing interest in soil, carbon storage and regenerative agriculture, he hopes to increase cattle numbers on the farm and create a premium mutton from his Scotch Blackfaced ewes.

This system has helped Tom adapt, the system and himself. Being less reliant on the inputs gives you back control, and if there ever was a true word ‘less is more’.

Looking for new ideas to make things simpler on farm has seen Tom start using Bokashi to compost the cattle manure. Sprinkled onto the straw beds, Bokashi ferments the muck and aids its decomposition, stored under cover, the composting process speeds up the breakdown of the muck and straw, reduces the quantity and produces a better end product to go back out on the field, helping store more carbon and nutrients.

Farm Facts

1150 Romney x ewes

500 scotch blackface ewes and wethers

100 Angus suckler cows

North Exmoor – looking over Bristol channel

Farm yard – 750-1400ft (230-420m) – runs up to 1400ft

Average rainfall – 62-66” (1600-1700ml)

Soils – Peat on the hill – down to a sandy loam

Aim – to build up organic matter on the steep hills to improve overall farm productivity. Selling Exmoor Premium Mutton for scotch blackface and in time selling our own beef.

Words and Images by Sian Mercer, My Rural Tribe.

To listen to our conversation click below

Precision Grazing – Meet the Farmers – Mike & Sam Roberts

Precision Grazing – Meet the Farmers – Mike & Sam Roberts

We changed because we had to, but when we had to, we wanted to

Sam and Mike Roberts, father & son team from Wadebridge.

A family to not follow the ‘party’ line, Mike and Sam Roberts have been making some radical and crucial changes to their farm.  Change is something they are familiar with, moving from a mixed farming system, to rearing calves and sheep to selling them to start a suckler herd then change genetics from Limousine to Stabilisers. 

The summer of 2019 was dry, the cows had only been turned out in mid-April but by mid-September there was no grass for them! Sam who had come home to the farm after a few years in the building trade was frustrated, surely this wasn’t normal?  He had seen James from Precision Grazing talking at a National Beef Association event a couple years previously about the benefits of rotational grazing and how it could extend the grazing season, perhaps this was something they could do? 

Mike however was reluctant to have a consultant on farm, what do they know different to what we know? However, thanks to a family connection he knew James was a “decent chap” and so agreed to a meeting. 

James was focused, and when he came out for his initial visit he wanted to hear about the farm, see the accounts and farm maps but also was prepared to ask the more difficult questions; ‘What do you want to do?’, ‘Where do you want to be in 10 years?’

It was good to be asked, as farmers we rarely get challenged and so carry on doing what we have always done. If James hadn’t asked those questions we would still be in the old system – Sam

With James’s help they pulled apart their end of year accounts to extract the income and costs relating to the suckler cow enterprise.  These were converted into a set of management accounts which told them they were in the top 10% of suckler farmers in England (according to AHDB Benchmark), however, despite this they were only making £26 per cow (before BPS but not including labour). 

Hearing that really concentrates the mind and a made us question what we were doing – what was the point of it all? Mike

For Mike and Sam, it was clear that to increase profitability they needed to reduce costs or increase output or both!  Listening to their personal interests and aims – to spend less time sat on a tractor, to grow the herd, to afford to take some rented land back in hand and be able to take more time off the farm, James developed a new plan for the enterprise.  This was based on using rotational grazing to increase pasture grown and utilised, allowing a reduction in the costs of nitrogen fertiliser, purchased feed and housing whist increasing stocking rate and animal performance. 

Mike, Sam and James Daniel founder of Precision Grazing

Sam was keen to start, however for Mike, talk of electric fences had visions of cattle out wintering on forage beets, paddling in mud, no fun for the person moving the fence or the cattle standing in it!  With some discussion and persuasions Mike agreed to adopt the 5 Year vision with the compromise of a “proof of concept” trial in Year 1

Two fields totalling 9ha had recently been reseeded with a herbal ley, this was identified as a great place to start paddock grazing; it was split into 9x 1ha paddocks using temporary electric fencing, each with access to water via a pipe on the surface to 2 x permanent troughs.  The pasture was measured, with Sam receiving training from James on how to use a plate meter and in mid-March a bunch of weaned steers were put out onto it, the differences were clear to see. 

That year was a tough one, a dry cold spring, and yet the grass in that paddock grazing grew back really well whist the set stocked cattle on other parts of the farm had nothing in-front of them!

The paddock grazing system exceeded all expectations, even yielding surplus silage whist growing the steers at over 1kg a day.  With the trial a success thoughts turned to the rest of the farm, keen to get on, Sam starting using temporary fencing to fence and divide more fields into paddocks for other groups.  Although effective in extending the grazing season this had a high labour cost.  

Cows and Calves moved onto fresh grazing.

Thankfully they had applied for a Mid-Tier Countryside Stewardship scheme in a bid to improve their boundary fencing which had been neglected whist farm profit had been low.  This was helpful as the funding received for this essential work helped to release cash to spend on sub-dividing the larger fields into paddocks.

In Year 2 to help reduce labour and continue to increase productivity James helped them to set up a paddock grazing system in 4 permanent pasture fields totalling 36Ha.  Previously grazed by two groups of cows and calves who would rock forward and back between two fields, a permanent 2 strand electric fence was erected through the middle to divide them in half and across both ways in the largest field to divide that into four.  A new water system was installed with 32mm pipe suppling permanent concrete troughs located in the central fence every 200m ran down its middle.  This set-up means that with a pair 200m of temporary electric fences 36x 1Ha paddocks can be created.  

Previously with 2 groups and four fields 18Ha would have been getting grazed at any one time, now thanks to the paddock system two groups means only 2ha is being grazed and 34ha are being rested.  Because of this the increase in pasture productivity and quality has been amazing.

Creating infrastructure, which enables a rest period between grazing events allows more pasture growth.  When you set-stock the animals are grazing the regrowth, meaning you have to resort to nitrogen fertiliser or creep feed to lift the productivity.  Investing in infrastructure is a one-time investment; you remove the need for those high-costs, annual inputs of fertiliser and feed as well as the associated labour. 

In 2020 Mike and Sam were invited to take part in Farm Net Zero Project which aims to demonstrate how livestock farms can achieve Net Zero within 5 years.  This has opened them up to new information and thinking sparking another level of interest in soils, carbon and the value of diverse species mixes.  One of only three farms in Cornwall to be chosen as part of the project, they have planted different winter forage mixes containing 3, 6, 10 and 13 species.  Some to the species chosen include; radish, rape, kale, forage rye, vetch, oats, crimson clover and sunflowers. Drilled in late August, due to the dry summer, the diverse mix has grown really well considering its slow start.  

The aim of this work is to quantify the benefits of increased diversity on soil health, carbon sequestration, animal health and performance and overall system carbon footprint.  As an additional aim Mike and Sam would like to find a way to stop using Glyphosate when re-seeding whist minimising tillage. 

Chemicals have displaced management and effort, they have been a quick fix, time wise, but not for the capital of the farm or the soil – James

Alongside the diverse species winter forage crops mixes aimed at weaned calves, they have used their rotational grazing to build up a bank of pasture (differed grass) for the dry cows which will be fed alongside hay bales already placed in the fields. 

The diverse forag e mix was late to be planted due to the dry summer, but it has taken off in a few weeks!

It is exciting to see where a farm can come from and get to.  The whole farm has been soil sampled, for organic matter, P & K, and micro-nutrients.  Some land has relatively high organic matter (16%) but low active carbon meaning nutrient cycling is low, other fields, historically used for arable have lower organic matter (4%).   Both field types have the potential to increase their stores of carbon whist increasing nutrient availability and rotational grazing is a key tool to achieve this.   

As the soil health improves so will productivity – this creates a win-win meaning more organic matter is return which in turn feeds the soil biology, it’s like a big fly wheel gathering momentum. – James

As Blable farm moves forward to producing more from less, they will be looking at getting the right genetics for their system, selecting the Stabiliser bulls that suit being grown and finished off pasture and introducing another native breed to use as a terminal line.    They will continue to invest in infrastructure and herbal leys to reduce labour, lift productivity and improve soil health.   

Seeing the vision of an improved bank balance, with cattle out for longer and less slurry to handle and less time on a tractor has seen those initial difficult questions answered and fulfilled.

We changed because we had to, but when we had to we wanted to – Mike

Farming is changing and changes are coming fast, highlighted by not only BPS coming to an end but the rising costs of inputs and climate change. Knowing your strong and weak points is key and getting someone like James from Precision Grazing to come and look at your farm through different eyes is so important and to ask those difficult questions.

Farm Facts:

Effective Area:   200Ha

No Cattle:   148hd Suckler Cows

Soil type:   loam to clay loam

Rainfall:   1200mm (47”)

Elevation:  50-200m (180-650ft)

Cows and Calves with fresh chicory and plantain in-front of them.

Images and words by Sian Mercer, My Rural Tribe.

Take a listen to our conversation and others like it by clicking below.

Grass Addiction Fuels Cow Habit!

Grass Addiction Fuels Cow Habit!

Grass Addiction Fuels Cow Habit!

It all starts innocently enough, you come home to the farm and you want to make some changes, make some money, make your mark and before you know it you are addicted to grass which is fuelling your, nearly out of control cow habit!

 10 years ago Ian came home to the farm full-time, and in order to do this changes needed to be made so money could be! Ian turned to pedigree Aberdeen Angus cows and to lessons he had learnt from the dairy farmers he had been building parlours for – strip grazing.

He could see the benefits of this system, though it wasn’t still 100% right – the cows were walking over the eaten grass to get to the water trough, it wasn’t getting the rest it needed.

The game changer…

A water bowl, no bigger than a large dog bowl changed the game and turned Ian into an grass growing addict! Whilst on a farm open day in Cornwall Ian saw the KiwkiTech water trough, enough for 50 cows, moveable around the paddocks and fed off the main trough. That £45 was a great investment and meant a back fence could be introduced and rotational grazing could commence.


A lot can happen 24 hours….

and grass can do a lot of growing… seeing that first paddock starting to green up after 24 hours was a magical moment, and one he is still in awe of today… THAT was a game changer! By overcoming his infrastructure issues and ensuring cows had access to water meant Ian was truly in the grass growing game!

The ultimate Swiss Army knife…

Electric fencing is like a Swiss army knife – there are so many ways to use it! Permanent around all the fields, feed off it with temporary, single strand, double strand, its quick to put up, it’s neat and tidy, keeps the stock in and the hedges in good condition. Having the PEL820 mains fed, permanent electric fence saves so much time when preparing the forward grazing cells and having the Speedrite remote means he can turn the fence on and off from anywhere on the farm.

Strategic decisions..

Ian says yes to a lot of opportunities to get the Mobberley Angus name out there, taking part in news, magazine articles and now working with AHBD and Datamars. Datamars are strategic partners and have loaned Ian their TruTest XR5000 Indicator for accurate weight capture, this links with the XRS2 stick reader. Within 24 hours of receiving these Ian had ordered readable EID tags which has made the job super easy and quick – game changer!

Calves are tagged at birth, with Caisley tags, BVD and DNA tested and EID tagged. Information is gathered on this first day, from weight, time of birth and tag number, all recorded on the stick reader and transferred to the FarmPlan software, which is added to through their lifetime, tracability at its finest!

 The XR5000 has been a game changer! It collects and delivers as much or as little information as you want, you set the data you want to see for the decisions you want to me.


Accurate data, accurate decisions…

MiHub has helped Ian make great decisions and save money. Ian aims to finish a 350kg cow , he can set his weight goal month to kill between 16-22 months, weighing cattle every 3 weeks, MiHub can tell him if he is on target and how much Daily Liveweight Gain he needs to achieve – which was 0.8kg per day, not the standard 1kg we read about, saving him money on feed costs whilst still hitting his targets! By having all the information right in front of you with proper facts and figures means that you know where your business is really at, where you can save money and where you can make money.

No more Top Gun moments.

Trying to read a tag number as the cow is moving its head around.. always made me feel like Goose in Top Gun trying to get my aim on a ‘boogey’! Add some muck and a hairy ear and mistakes are made, especially when there are sheets of paper, full of ear tag numbers on TB testing day.  The Stick Reader and EID tags have made life so easy and safe. As long as the stick bearer hears the ‘Beep’ as the tag is read, easy days… This is so important for Ian, who relies on outside help on TB testing day, when he feels he should be in the danger zone of pushing cattle into the race, it means father in law can help… as long as it beeps!

The same with the medicine book; no longer scraps of paper, lost in a draw trying to remember quantities and withdrawal dates, it is all there, ‘Beep’ then straight into the FarmPlan software.

Learn together, learn from each other and work together…

Ian wants to do the best job he can and the way to do this is to learn from others, from farm open days, AHDB days and discussion groups. Not afraid to travel the distance in order to learn from those that have done it, who have made mistakes and learnt from them! Ian joined the Precision Grazing discussion group, a group of like-minded people with a positive attitude who want to give things a try. But he wants to up his game and so investing into 1:2:1 time with Precision Grazing will be his next move to get the most of the land he has for optimum cattle growing conditions and maybe enough sneak a few more head of Angus in!

Start at the end…

And work backwards. Ian has set the income he wants to achieve and worked backwards from there. Breeding a smaller cow, 650kg, that can grow itself and raise a calf on grass, a smaller cow that does less damage to soil and grazing, a calf that can be finished off grass at 350kg, to suit the system, and consumer desire for smaller cuts of meat, to finding a local market for his beef, his brand with full traceability and setting the price, all leads to the end goal and a bigger slice of the wedge. Technology is helping Ian to be the best he can, make the best decisions for his stock and his business. By knowing facts not guesses means he is control.

Say yes to opportunities, learning and technology, say yes to your farm business!

Sian Mercer

Sian Mercer

Photography, Listener of thoughts, asker of questions, Writer of Blogs

I am Sian Mercer, the writer of these blogs, which are based on thoughts and ideas, quetions I have asked, feelings I have had and wonders which have been answered.

I am a photographer, please check out my website to see my work and book your own photoshoot, for your rural business or family. 

Grass Addiction sweeps the farming community…

Grass Addiction sweeps the farming community…

Grass Addiction sweeps the farming community…

Grass Addiction sweeps the farming community…

Say what…

I know growing up in rural Wales it was all about the magic mushrooms, but smoking weed and farmers… surely not?!

No.. not at all, BUT they are getting addicted to seeing their grass and bank accounts grow!

Pray Tell!

Rotational Grazing; the New Zealanders have been doing it for years, the dairy lot have caught on and well… its time the beef and sheep farmers got on it and take back control!

Meet the farmer

I met Aled Evans, beef and sheep farmer in West Carmarthenshire who came back from the corporate world to take over 400ha of family farmland. Aled wanted control over his profit, not to be at the mercy of the market or processor and the only way to do this is to Save Money, by cutting the Cost of Production.


Build up your confidence

Start small and build up, gain confidence and grow the addiction of seeing grass grow!

(I thought the addiction to Tractor Porn was bad (no not like that.. literally 16-year-old boys ogling the blue one, the green one, the red one…. No weird positions, unless you are a JCB)) but seeing grass grow… IS addictive! 

Aled started by splitting fields into 2 0r 4 paddocks, depending on their size, cattle grazed for 24 hours then moved onto the next fresh paddock….that’s when he saw it… new grass growing, green and lush, with no fertiliser added, and what else was growing well… the cattle and sheep… they were utilising this wonderful ‘free’ feed source… and looking great!!

Upping the game

2 years ago Aled met James Daniels of Precision Grazing at a Farming Connect ‘Prosper from Pasture’ and quite frankly has not looked back! He upped the game, GPS the whole farm to create 0.45ha Cells, that ensure consistency and ease of management. Gone is the manual plate meter and replaced with the bells and whistles of Bluetooth plate meter which sends the data to the mobile phone and then onto the computer where AgriNet works out how much grass you have on farm, days of grazing, growth, too much too little… suddenly there is a plan, a goal, Proactivity! 


This is flexible grazing system, grazing a cell from 24 – 72 hours, decisions are made on Supply & Demand, each season can be consistent with the aim of a nice straight line on the graph… no ups and downs here, just a nice straight line of beautiful consistent green grass!

Spend it to Make it….

Spend it or invest it? Investing in rotational grazing will work out about £300/ha, this includes the new water trough system… BUT done correctly, this system will return your investment within a year, with a potential 5 figure saving on winter feed and fertiliser going forward. Surely a no brainer… change the way you say it… Investing in the farm system… investing is powerful, investing is achieving a goal, spending Is wasteful… Invest! Invest! Invest!

We’ve always done it this way…

And it is now time to change. 30 years ago you got £60 a lamb, you still get £60 a lamb and costs have gone up.. so how much is that lamb or beef animal actually making you?

Each year farmers ‘invest’ in feed and fertiliser; you can see it, touch it, you know it does what it says on the bag.. it grows animals and grass…. but get your mind around the fact that an electric fence, efficient grazing, a re-growth period, rain and sun grow copious amounts of grass…. for ‘free!

A hungry cow is an efficient cow…

Pray Tell! Aled houses the cattle over winter, they were housed on the 23 November 2019 after 9 months grazing and are fed their winter ration of silage and rolled barley or bread. They are then drip fed out onto the grazing from early Spring, starting with 4 hours a day, until the grass growth 

starts to get ahead of the demand. The cattle then come back in and nibble at some silage. It takes 3 hours of efficient grazing to fill up the cattle, no loitering or walking about the field, full on Olympic style training in the art of grazing, then in to rest and chew the cud! A new Cell each day, winter growth removed and double the grass growth off these semi grazed cells! Winner Winner Grass Clover Ley Dinner! 

Working smarter, not harder

Coming back from corporate world to farming, Aled brought with him the corp mentality; management meetings involving all the team and an Agenda, Quarterly reviews, regular  Consultant meeting, personal and staff development and time off!

Time Off… yep and by working an 11 hour day, home for tea, every other weekend off, weekend on is only stock checking and time off off for holidays! I know! Cray Cray! But by working smarter and more efficiently a lot can be done in a day and Aled and Llifon are better for it. Work smarter Be smarter (or not so tired that accidents & near misses don’t happen)

What’s your Legacy?

 Aled is creating a business he is proud of, one that fulfils his and the team’s aspirations; a successful profitable business. Ego is left at the door, working the land efficiently means that grass, labour and stock are being utilised to their very best. How does he know this? Benchmarking! Benchmarking stocking & labour units, knowing Live Weight gain and % of grass utilisation and efficiency!

Take Control

Changes are happening to farming and the red meat industry. Climate change, subsidy reductions, can leave you feeling out of control. But here is a system that gives you back control.  Farming is a game of hope, hope of the weather, healthy stock, healthy price, healthy market. But hope does not give control.

What can you control? You control the Cost of Production. The end price you receive is determined by SO MANY factors…. Which you can’t control, only hope for. By reducing costs, growing a ‘free’ nutritious feed source that your animals love to eat, investing in YOURSELF, your SYSTEM, your EDUCATION will give you CONTROL.

YOU are your only obstacle

As with any system it needs YOU – 100%to make it work. It’s scary, there are systems and spreadsheets and technology and investment. There are areas of the farm to look at, (hard) conversations to be had BUT so much to learn, money to be made, free time to be had. Farming is a lifestyle but it is also a business. Don’t let the lifestyle just be about work, let it be about family, friends and enjoyment.

Rotational Grazing (in my mind) is a no brainer!

There are  great companies there to help you, Farming Connect for free education, Precision Grazing consultnats, Datamars for ALL the gear and AgriNet for your software. 

Thank you Aled Evans for his time, for showing what can be done, how to create a legacy, develop the ‘next generation’, sharing the gift of conversation, education and inspiration.

Thank you to Datamars for sending me ‘On Tour’ to Wales and providing all the gear and the ideas to all those amazing farmers who are getting involved in electric fences, solar powered electricity, water troughs and waterproofs all in the name of Rotational Grazing and a great farm business!

#NothingButSeriousPower #Speedrite @datamarslivestockuk

Sian Mercer

Sian Mercer

Photographer, Listener of thoughts, Asker of questions, Writer of Blogs

I am Sian Mercer, photographer, blog writer, which are based on thoughts and ideas, questions I have asked, feelings I have had and wonders which have been answered.

I am a photographer and gatherer of information for your business, please check out my website to see my work and book your own photoshoot.

Check out my Rural Photography , or follow me on Instagram @my_rural_tribe to keep up to date with my walks and thoughts! 

Community… how do you make yours better?

Community… how do you make yours better?

Your dreams will have greater meaning when they are tied to the betterment of your community’

Community… what does that mean to you? Are you part of a community? Do you live and work in one? What does YOUR community look like?

I look to the farming community, one I am proud to be part of. Growing up in rural Wales being part of the community is just how it was, it’s the way of life.

I mean you would fart, and people would know about it, which can be annoying but actually looking back, it shows that people have your back. Yes, there is the gossip and scandal but when the chips are down, they are there for you.

The farming community comes together for the good times and the bad. The local show, YFC events, fundraisers and concerts; making sure livestock gets to the market when someone is ill, and the snow is cleared ensuring the funeral of a loved and respected member of the community can take place.

These people are not living in streets but miles apart, with fields, rivers and hills separating them but they are united by the sense of community, a field in August the village hall, the vestry. United by friendship, working together and coming together to celebrate the highs and the lows. A wave as you drive past each other, stooping for a quick chat, maybe there is more time or maybe the need is greater in these rural areas to take the time for community, because they depend on it, without it, it can be a lonely place.

Community is being part of where you live, it can be found on-line with your tribe, it is found on the allotment, Am Dram the community centre.

How do you better your community? Is it through the work you do? Have you given back to your industry or the community you live in?

Humans need humans and we see this more than ever at the moment. We need that interaction, and when that interaction doesn’t happen, we lose ourselves, our sense of purpose our direction.

By reaching out, from our isolation, from you heads, we can make a huge difference to those around us, it might be 1 person, it might be a 100, but by making a difference to others you will make a difference to yourself.

How are you going to do this? How are you bettering YOUR community?